Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I confess...

Linking up with Catalyn again this week for confessions. You should link up too!

-I confess... I went to get a fun size piece of chocolate at work today and ended up eating a whole chocolate muffin.... not fun sized.

-I confess... that I have listened to Taylor Swift's CD over and over and over again for about 3 weeks straight now.... and I am not ashamed!

-I confess... that I am definitely going to do bachelorette recaps for the new season. That will be so much fun!

-I also confess... that I think Sean and Katherine are going to break up before the wedding happens... Sadly. She just seems too unsure and not ready to settle down.

-I confess... that I am about to start counting down the days until the new HUNGER GAMES movie comes out. I have got to start reading the books all over again to get ready for that!

And on that note....

May the odds be ever in your favor.

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